Eagle is a new tuning that John O’Sullivan and Jake Freivald collaborated on. I performed a three part guitar / bass improvisation in 12 equal and used melodyne to tune it to to the new tuning since John has targeted guitar for this tuning. There are three presentations – the original clean 12 equal track and the clean melodyne retuned version. Lastly I couldn’t resist adding some effects to the eagle version which “dressed” the instruments into a “radio” version. The asterisks denote chords used in the improvisation, though I freely added embellishments and non-chord tones in places.
A Major chord is 2:3:4:5:6:8 A minor chord is 10:15:20:24:30:40 A three-four-five chord is 3:4:5:6 *E (1/1) 2:3:4:5:6:8 and 10:15:20:24:30:40 (major and minor appear) F (16/15) 2:3:4:5:6:8 F# (9/8) 3:4:5:6 *G (6/5) 2:3:4:5:6:8 G# (5/4) 10:15:20:24:30:40 *A (4/3) 2:3:4:5:6:8 and 10:15:20:24:30:40 A# (7/5) 7:9:12 and 15:20:24 and 21:28:36 *B (3/2) 2:3:4:5:6:8 and 10:15:20:24:30:40 C (8/5) 2:3:4:5:6:8 C# (5/3) 10:15:20:24:30:40 D (9/5) 3:4:5:6 D# (15/8) 10:15:20:24:30:40
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