Faux Hyperpiano – Attempt 1


This work in progress is an attempt to make pianoteq sound something in the ball park of the Sethares / Hobby Hyperpiano which is a piano modified to have a unique non-harmonic series of overtones giving a bell like quality. I still have a ways to go as this video of the real instrument shows. I based my pianoteq off of the Bluethner piano which is a paid for addin so I think you need that for this patch to work. The 12th root of 4 tuning as a scala file is here for download.

Here is a 2nd attempt – the music stays the same and I modified the patch – download the patch here or see the graphic below.
faux2 click to enlarge

Here is a 3rd attempt – the music stays the same and I modified the patch – download the patch here or see the graphic below.
faux3 click to enlarge


2 responses to “Faux Hyperpiano – Attempt 1”

  1. Sorry, I didn’t make sense. I meant to say, modifying the harmonics of the string could eliminate some of the dissonance heard on Bohlen Pierce string instruments.

    An autoharp or zither might be a good starting point for experimentation.

  2. As a Bohlen Pierce enthusiast, the hyperpiano concept is very exciting to me. One of the problems with BP is that regular strings have a very strong octave harmonic, and the BP scale doesn’t include the octave. Modifying the string to stress different octaves could eliminate the dissonance of of even harmonics.

    More research is required.

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