Lighthouse and Beach in 22 EDO

audio only – right click to download

Performed on a Prophet 12 desk module in 12 edo


2 responses to “Lighthouse and Beach in 22 EDO”

  1. admin is a repository of samples for non-commenerical use. My apologies at having to decline your request. Please see as I think it is not unreasonable for me to ask for compensation when you are going to use my work for a commercial release.

  2. Dear Chris Vaisvil,
    I wanted to beg your kind permission to use your 2 longform windharp excerpts at for the first part of my forthcoming album ‘usagi – hour of the hare’ at (s. the series on japanese horology/astrology – the last one ‘tora – hour of the tiger’ there for further infornation on the project). I would be glad and honored by your permission and collaboration!
    best regards,
    Fabio Keiner

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