On the Shores of the Dead Sea

This is a guitar piece in classical style in 17 notes per octave using the 17 version of the phyrgian mode. In normal 12 equal tuning phyrgian mode starts on E and has no sharps or flats.

Dead Sea MP3

Download full quality video

In this piece I play in a mode similar using the following notes from 17 equal
0, 1, 4, 7, 10, 11, 14, 17
or in steps
1, 3, 3, 3, 1, 3, 3

I do have a 2 as an accidental in there at one point to make parallel fifths on 0 and 1 work. (5:00-ish video, 4:30 in the MP3)

For the composition, I developed a framework last night and this morning and then in Jazz style improvised around the pre-determined framework.


2 responses to “On the Shores of the Dead Sea”

  1. Thanks for the listen and comment! I like the mapping as well ( guess that is obvious) – it is part of the direction I’m heading towards which is to more formally explore 17. I am also working on a a scordata to 17 chord translator. The goal is to show what notes on a 12 staff equals what chord in 17 including inversions as a compositional aid.


  2. Thanks for posting, Chris. I’ve always liked the sound of the Phrygian mode, and your mapping of it to 17 sounds pretty good. In fact, I think I like this sound more than some of the more traditional-sounding work you’ve done in 17.

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