Parva played by a Linnstrument using Scala to retune on the fly to Jake Feivald’s Schismatic Garibaldi 7-limit tuning

Schismatic / Garibaldi 7-limit
  0:          1/1               0.000000 unison, perfect prime
  1:         91.362 cents      91.362430
  2:        182.725 cents     182.724870
  3:        203.455 cents     203.455030
  4:        294.817 cents     294.817460
  5:        386.180 cents     386.179900
  6:        406.910 cents     406.910050
  7:        498.272 cents     498.272490
  8:        589.635 cents     589.634920
  9:        680.997 cents     680.997360
 10:        701.728 cents     701.727510
 11:        793.090 cents     793.089950
 12:        884.452 cents     884.452380
 13:        905.183 cents     905.182540
 14:        996.545 cents     996.544970
 15:       1087.907 cents    1087.907410
 16:       1108.638 cents    1108.637570
 17:          2/1            1200.000000 octave


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