The Dramatic Squirrel Overture is an improvisation in 10 EDO using an AXiS 49 played in the orientation pictured. (Watch out for the really high piccolo notes!!) An interesting effect of working with an AXiS is that each tuning system you us produces different usable patterns or a pattern like a diagonal line, produces harmonies at could or could not be useful (in your musical context). In 10 edo diagonals produce what I think are some lovely dramatic chords. So to improvise this piece I loaded up two copies of Garritan Personal Orchestra 4 with each individual brass and woodwind instrument available, full strings, timpani and basic orchestral percussion. I’m starting to like 10 edo a lot. It seems to have a strong voice which appeals to me. Of course your mileage may vary. As always – I’m happy to hear your thoughts.
Have a Great day,
Here is the organ version requested in the comments:
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