The Seventh Rook

RooksBackOfSavrasov (In The Rooks Have Returned (1871) by Alexei Savrasov, the arrival of the rooks is an early portent of the coming spring.)

The same piece in 12 equal

The Seventh Rook is a piece composed for solo microtonal piano in the Rook scale commissioned by John O’Sullivan who devised the scale. Rook is a subset of Raven version temperament. More tuning information is here at John’s website. The score is here which includes the cents value for the Rook tuning. The piece was composed and realized using Sibelius and Pianoteq.

This score and sound recording may be used by students, educators, and nonprofits with attribution.
12 equal version of the The Seventh Rook


2 responses to “The Seventh Rook”

  1. Thanks for the listen and comment Jake!!

  2. That’s a fine piece of work, Chris.

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