The World has Changed for rock band in 19 edo

I received my converted Ibanez from Brad Smith and I promptly wrote this song using it. Everything you hear guitar-wise is the 19 edo – I used Absynth 5 for the bass and added some vocals and samples of a Japanese man talking angrily. The French Horn is from Peter Thoegersen’s “Sit Up and Sit Down!” as performed in Urbana on 4/21/2011. The text is from an interview with a Japanese woman after the 3/11/2011 earthquake and tsunami 3/11/2011 that struck me as an unusual observation:

Matsuko Ito, who has been living in a shelter in the small northeastern city of Natori since the tsunami, said there’s no getting used to the terror of being awoken by shaking.

She said she started screaming when the quake struck around 11:30 p.m.

“It’s enough,” the 64-year-old while smoking a cigarette outside. “Something has changed. The world feels strange now. Even the way the clouds move isn’t right.”

In Ichinoseki, lines formed outside a supermarket when it opened Friday morning. An employee with a flashlight escorted each customer around the store and jotted the price of each selected item in a pad.

“Something has changed. The world feels strange now. Even the way the clouds move isn’t right.”


2 responses to “The World has Changed”

  1. Thanks for the listen and comment!

  2. Michael Kasper

    Dear Chris,

    Interesting piece. Thanks for sharing! The samples are interesting.



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