Tuning Survey continues (6/11/2010)

Here is a another set of tunings I tried with my Fender guitar, Roland GR-20, and Fractal Tune Smithy

And the Heavens Opened Up
Partials of a major 3rd bell – root 523.6 Hz, 9th is hum note.

The Mechanics of Government
Boethius’ chromatic – the chromatic interval is 19/16

Monkey at the Keyboard
Blackjack tuning I assume is centered on G and D


Children in the Laboratory
Rational in Wilson and Grady style version, Paul Erlich

Dying Swans in Gorky Park
Blackjack tuning maximizing 1:3:7:9:11

Almost Jazz (Sorry for the high end aliasing – hmmm not sure what to do about that – it was clean during the performance.)
Big Gulp tuning – whatever that is!!

Quasi Music
Sounds a lot like 12 equal…. Quasi equal temperament


One response to “Tuning Survey continues (6/11/2010)”

  1. […] Survey of Tunings – July 16th 2010 Edition Tuning Survey continues (6/11/2010) Tuning Survey continues Survey of Tunings using a Roland […]

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