For Brass and Voice Choirs in 17 edo
This is a piece using 2 keyboards, an M-Audio 88es (vocal choir) and Alesis Q49 (brass choir) in 17 notes per octave. The objective was to use some functional xenharmonic chord progressions. I would be interested in knowing if you perceive the harmonies as having direction, tension and release in the sense of 12 equal common practice chord progressions.
For 2 Violas and Gongs in 10 edo
This is a piece performed on an Alesis Q49 using Kontakt 4’s viola and gongs samples as the sound source. The violas are retuned to 10 notes per octave. This piece is concentrates more on melodic aspects. This is my first piece in 10 edo and I found it rather easy and intuitive to compose in.
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