The video is of the base 22″ Wuhan gong hit after 35x Paulstretch with the noise reduction on. What remains are the isolated gong tones buried in the crash and the drawn out “hum” tones. Caution – there are some very loud, high pitches. Best viewed at the highest resolution you can manage.
The above is the audio spectrum of the noised reduced and 35x stretched track using a FFT transform. Click the picture to enlarge it.
Gong, stretched and noise reduced download
With the gong tones in Melodyne I was able to retune them to 22 edo porcupine with magic 7th variant (below) – for my taste I used Melodyne to remove the highest “hum” note which I disliked.
Retuned gong download
! C:\Cakewalk\scales\22ET.scl ! 22 ET magic 7th porcupine 7 ! 163.63636 327.27273 490.90909 654.54545 818.18182 981.81818 2/1
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