S0710929crop Image by Chris Vaisvil

Ask For It (over the ridge) is a “pop” music composition in Bohlen-Pierce tuning. It was made using an iPad and Sonar for a total of 4 Z3TA+ instances (iOS), one of Sector (iOS).


2 responses to “Ask For It (over the ridge)”

  1. Hi b0b, this piece was in a sense difficult for me. It originally had a vocal line for almost the entire piece, some of it with harmony, but in the end I disliked my voice so much I removed it. So, in that sense I removed much of what could be interesting had I executed it ok. On the other hand it was an interesting exercise and the first time I used Sector for percussion about which I learned to start to add variation as I went along. So in other words, this, like many of my compositions, was an experiment. And not a very successful one as music but I did learn a lot.
    Thanks for your listen and comment, it is much appreciated.

  2. I think that, since BP doesn’t have much harmonic tension, BP computer music without dynamics is almost hypnotic. I like this piece best after the 3 minute mark, where the percussion figures add some variety.

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