This is my entry for the 2010 Untwelve microtonal composition contest. I almost didn’t enter since there were just so many things happening in Real Life at the time I lacked energy and time. My intention when I first entered was to contribute a chamber orchestra piece. That didn’t work so all I came up with was a solo piano piece in Gene Ward Smith’s 17 note Semimarvelous equal beating drawf – one of my very favorite tunings. Godzareh Depression

I would like to give a very big thank you to Aaron Krister Johnson for all of the work that goes into organizing an event like this – and also a thank you to the judges and other contestants who are essential as well! PS Some have thought the title meant this was a depressing piece – actually I named it for a place called Godzareh Depression which is in Afghanistan – Iran mainly due to some the middle eastern sounding melodies and incidentally because I like reading about geography and was looking up hyper-saline lakes and endorheic basins.

Details of the tuning

! dwarf17marveq.scl
Semimarvelous dwarf: equal beating dwarf(<17 27 40|) 17 ! 70.247930173690388400 115.13195688812420070 185.37988706181458910 269.90670087373119520 314.79072758816500750Semimarvelous 385.03865776185539590 500.17061464997959660 570.41854482366998500 615.30257153810379730 699.82938535002040340 770.07731552371079180 814.96134223814460410 885.20927241183499250 955.45720258552538090 1000.3412292999591932 1084.8680431118757993 1200.0000000000000000 ! eight tetrads/pentads, representible by [[0, -1, 0], [0, -1, 1], ! [1, -1, 1], [1, -1, 2], [0, 0, 2], [0, -1, -2], [0, 0, 1], [0, -1, -1]]


One response to “Godzareh Depression”

  1. Gene Ward Smith

    Nice bit of existential brooding. I hear drawfs are good at that.

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