Harmonics 24 Through 48 Inclusive is a Just Intonation piano improvisation built off of using harmonics 24 through 48 as an equivalent to 24 et. I found the tuning to be really malleable and intuitive. More tunings along these lines needs to be explored! (The tuning is based on a variety of ideas from Denny Genovese – the scala file is here)

0: 1/1 0.000 unison, perfect prime
1: 25/24 70.672 classic chromatic semitone, minor chroma
2: 13/12 138.573 tridecimal 2/3-tone
3: 9/8 203.910 major whole tone
4: 7/6 266.871 septimal minor third
5: 29/24 327.622
6: 5/4 386.314 major third
7: 31/24 443.081
8: 4/3 498.045 perfect fourth
9: 11/8 551.318 undecimal semi-augmented fourth
10: 17/12 603.000 2nd septendecimal tritone
11: 35/24 653.185 septimal semi-diminished fifth
12: 3/2 701.955 perfect fifth
13: 37/24 749.389
14: 19/12 795.558 undevicesimal minor sixth
15: 13/8 840.528 tridecimal neutral sixth
16: 5/3 884.359 major sixth, BP sixth
17: 41/24 927.107
18: 7/4 968.826 harmonic seventh
19: 43/24 1009.563
20: 11/6 1049.363 21/4-tone, undecimal neutral seventh
21: 15/8 1088.269 classic major seventh
22: 23/12 1126.319 vicesimotertial major seventh
23: 47/24 1163.552
24: 2/1 1200.000 octave


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