Click Screenshot to enlarge – and see the instrumentation plus effects and waveforms as well.

Untitled for theJar5 – is an ambient commission to fulfill a wish theJar5 had to have one of my ambient pieces without a suggestive title or photo. Tuning below:

  0:   1/1   0.000000   unison, perfect prime
  1:   24/23   73.680654   vicesimotertial minor semitone
  2:   12/11   150.637059   3/4-tone, undecimal neutral second
  3:   8/7   231.174094   septimal whole tone
  4:   6/5   315.641287   minor third
  5:   24/19   404.441985   smaller undevicesimal major third
  6:   4/3   498.044999   perfect fourth
  7:   24/17   596.999591   1st septendecimal tritone
  8:   3/2   701.955001   perfect fifth
  9:   8/5   813.686286   minor sixth
 10:   12/7    933.129094   septimal major sixth
 11:   24/13   1061.427339   tridecimal neutral seventh
 12:   2/1   1200.000000   octave


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