Without a Net is an improvisation using an Alesis Q49, Prophet 12 desk module and Pianoteq 6 in 19 edo.
Without a Net is an improvisation using an Alesis Q49, Prophet 12 desk module and Pianoteq 6 in 19 edo.
Hi Stewart, I first explored 125cET as an attempt to create a non-octave equal temperament along the lines of 88cET that Andrew Heathwaite introduced me to. After using it for a while I realized another way to think of the tuning was as an equal tempered fourth divided in 4 parts instead of 5. I recommend you visit the xenharmonic wiki for more information if you have not found it yet. https://en.xen.wiki/w/Equal-step_tuning#…of_a_given_cents_value
I don’t release often on soundcloud since I have my independently host blog, yet thank you for the follow. You may want to check back here instead. – Have a great day!
Hey Chris, just stumbled upon your site while looking for some tuning info.
Bit of a complicated query I have here. I’m looking to make a tuning that involves stacking intervals of 125 cents on top of each other. I’m trying to punch it into Sevish’s music workshop, but I can’t figure out what I need to type in. I found your site by Googling “125 cent EDO”, and one of your older posts was using the same idea, but with fewer iterations than what I was wanting (https://www.chrisvaisvil.com/category/tuning/125-cent-non-octave/).
If you continue to stack that 125 cent interval, eventually you get to 6000, which is divisible by 12. Figured that would count as some sort of octave or something.
Ha, just figured it out as I was typing here. Anyway, I’ve started following you on Soundcloud. My username is guessw3rk.
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