Anacortes_Refinery_31911 Photo credit: Walter Siegmund
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Anacortes Refinery Disaster is a performance in 17 edo on a Linnstrument driving Diva, Brazile, and Ace. Each synthesizer is in Midi Polyphonic Expression mode.


2 responses to “Anacortes Refinery Disaster (electronic ambient)”

  1. Hi Jim, thank you for the listen and comment! I am interested in collaborating and send you an email, thanks for the offer!

  2. I like this piece. It’s filled with many musical elements that I listen for in new music. How would you feel if I were to add some of my own treated trumpet work to your piece. Perhaps we can work on future projects together. I am always looking for creative composers to work with.

    James Hill

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