The above aeolian harp sample (from 2014-11-07 21:12:51 pm) had an interesting sonority to my ears. I wanted to find out what the chord was so that I could reproduce it. So I put it into Melodyne to analyze the chord. As I listened to the file and looked at the display there seemed to be a bit of a disconnect. So I dissected the sample (Sections labeled A through H by ear – there are two disjunct groups) into individual files. Then I normalized them and ran them through Melodyne once more. The resulting sound files and analysis are below. You will notice that in some cases what was a single tone in the original now breaks into more than one note. In other cases more than one note is heard but Melodyne doesn’t show them as separate – I think in these cases the program analysis is tagging them as part of the harmonics which is shown below the main window of the program. Since an aeolian harp is a special case where the harmonics of this is a special case, interesting though it may be. Most of the dead air was removed from the A through H audio samples.
The labeled file below is in Hz. You can download the audio and graphics here as a zip file.
Full file (click on any graphic to enlarge / download)
Section A
Section B
Section C
Section D
Section E
Section F
Section G
Section H
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