This is my first improvisation with my new axe made by Ron Sword of Sword Guitars – this bird is 15 edo (equal division of the octave i.e. 15 notes per octave). The guitar was run direct in to Sonar X1 and I used Guitar Rig for color.


5 responses to “Mr Porcupine 15 edo guitar”

  1. Michael J. Kasper

    Dear Chris,

    I enjoyed this tune. Very rocking! Some of the riffs made me think of Led Zeppelin. Really nice piece! Thanks for sharing!



  2. Of course! I would be honored to do that for you!

  3. Sweet!

    I’ve been thinking about writing a pop song in 17. If I do that, and leave a little space for a guitar solo, would you tune to a reference note and take a solo? No promise that it’ll be soon, mind you. 🙂

  4. I just have 3 – 15, 17, and 19 – then of course fretless guitar and fretless bass. I may get a 22 electric, and a 24 edo classical eventually. But I’m not 100% at this point. I was just talking to Ron, I’d like the 22 to have drone strings like a sitar. I think that would rock! Especially as a solo instrument.

  5. Love it. I really like the fact that you can jam and make a joyful noise the first time you pick it up. Looking for more 15-EDO stuff.

    How many non-12 axes do you have now, and which ones?

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