Back in the dark ages of the 90’s there was a cool site devoted to indie bands and artists call the Internet Underground Music Archive. It was a great site which hosted some very unusual music. Unfortunately the site eventually went the way of the so many cool 90’s sites atrophied and then disappeared altogether. The piece was originally improvised in 12 equal using a Roland GR-20 driving guitar, string, synth bass, and percussion. Later I adapted it to other tunings – and these appear in order of production. The 11 edt version is played at double time for variety.

Ode to the Internet Underground Music Archive 12 edo

Ode to the Internet Underground Music Archive 7 edo

Ode to the Internet Underground Music Archive 11 edt


One response to “Ode to the Internet Underground Music Archive”

  1. Michael Kasper

    Dear Chris,

    I enjoyed this very much. I listened to the 12 edo and am listening to the others now. Very nice track! Makes me think of some really good progressive rock! Thanks for sharing!



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