The Broken Cathedral of Christchurch is an ambient poly-tuning piece using 11, 12, and 19 notes to the octave. The instruments used are a Korg MS2000 synthesizer, 19 edo electric guitar (several tracks), and 5 string bass – all with liberal application of effects, mixing, and mastering. The piece is dedicated to the Anglican cathedral of Christchurch New Zealand which will be brought down and rebuilt due to extensive earthquake damage.

This is a repost because the original post was damaged.


One response to “The Broken Cathedral of Christchurch”

  1. admin

    Hi John, as far as I know the MS2000 will only allow +/- 100 cent retuning of each of the 12 notes. BUT… perhaps the ole time method of setting the slope of the keyboard might work as hinted at by this:

    A constant pitch (C4) over keyboard range can be achieved by
    routing [KBD TRACK] to [PITCH] in the VIRTUAL PATCH and set the
    intensity of the modulation to -48.
    (Useful for drum sounds)

    and this:

    Title:Up-side-down keyboard.

    Route [KBD TRACK] to [PITCH] in the VIRTUAL PATCH and set the
    intensity of the modulation to -63. The lowest pitch becomes the highest
    and as you go higher on the keygoard the pitch goes lower. Start on E to play
    backwards a C major scale.

    so, in other words, I didn’t play a complete 19 edo on my synth.

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