Two Solo Electric Guitar Pieces in 15 Edo

United States of Mexico – a classic flamingo guitar progression used as the ground for this piece inspired by a NY Times article about Mexico’s president wanting to drop the “United States of” part off of Mexico’s official name. I never knew it had that official name in the first place… but behold the wikipedia article.

Tryptophan is dedicated to all of the post turkey naps that occurred yesterday.


One response to “Two Solo Electric Guitar Pieces in 15 Edo”

  1. Michael Kasper

    Dear Chris,

    Enjoyed listening to United States of Mexico and Tryptophan. I really liked the flamenco you played and the effects you used. Tryptophan had some great metal-like riffs. It made me think of tapping in Van Halen music. Liked it very much too! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!



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